
44 pages 1 hour read

Peter Singer

The Life You Can Save: How To Do Your Part To End World Poverty

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2009

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Preface-Part 1Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Preface Summary

In the Preface, Singer introduces his subject matter by directly stating its purpose: “I write this book with two linked but significantly different goals. The first is to challenge you to think about our obligations to those trapped in extreme poverty” (xiii). The second goal, Singer continues, is to challenge people to give more to help the poor, especially those who need it most.

Part 1, Chapter 1 Summary: “Saving a Child”

Singer opens Chapter 1 with a thought experiment. He describes a drowning child and says that only the reader can save her; doing so, however, will ruin the reader’s new shoes and make them late for work. The average intuition, Singer writes, is that it would be morally reprehensible not to save the child for such a trivial reason. Singer then writes that over 10 million children under five years of age die each year from causes related to poverty. This poverty is preventable: If UNICEF and Oxfam, organizations that combat global poverty, had more money, then they could do more work and save more children. “Is it possible,” he writes, “that by choosing to spend your money on such things [as shoes] rather than contributing to an aid agency, you are leaving a child to die, a child you could have saved?” (5). The answer, he believes, is yes.

Singer incorporates well-documented, transnational oral reports of what severe poverty entails. The worst aspects include things like lack of education for children, food shortages, no access to safe drinking water, the inability to save money, and housing in disrepair or homelessness. Extreme poverty has other ramifications beyond lack of basic needs, generally including political powerlessness.

Singer wants his readers to be hopeful, saying that despite all this unjust and unnecessary suffering, standards of living have improved in the last 30 years. Globally, the percentage of people living in extreme poverty has decreased by a large margin. Extreme poverty occurs around the world, but Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan African have the majority of the worst cases of poverty by a number of metrics. In total there are about 1.4 billion people in absolute poverty. Life expectancy in affluent nations is roughly 78, but in the least developed nations it can be under 50.

Singer contrasts extreme poverty in developing countries with the relative poverty of millions of people in affluent nations. In the latter case, people may be poor compared with the rich but often still have television, air conditioning, and a vehicle. Singer turns his full attention to the state of affluence in the world today, noting several of the ways in which the average citizen of a prosperous society has luxuries unimaginable to a 17th-century French king or the average person 100 years ago. He documents the lavish and bizarre ways in which the billionaire class flaunts its wealth, but he doesn’t want the reader to be too quick to feel morally superior to this decadence. Singer documents several simple ways in which the average person in an affluent country wastes significant amounts of money, e.g., by drinking bottled water, ordering lattes, and wasting canned foods.

He asks the reader to consider again the case of the drowning child. He hints that moral consistency would require that people save money for the poor in developing nations instead of spending it on trivialities.

Part 1, Chapter 2 Summary: “Is It Wrong Not to Help?”

Singer adopts a famous thought experiment developed by another moral philosopher, Peter Unger. In it, a man with his brand-new dream car must choose between letting a child die on a railroad track (from a runaway train) and flipping a switch so that the train diverts from the child; this diverted train will demolish his car. The essence of the thought experiment is to help an individual determine how much they would be willing to sacrifice for the life of another. Singer writes that most people intuitively understand that it is reprehensible to allow a child to die in order to save a car. Singer asks the reader to think about retirement savings in the same way. These retirement savings are not necessary, at least not like the life of a child is.

Singer realizes that our moral intuitions are not always reliable, as demonstrated by variations in what people in different times and places find intuitively acceptable or objectionable. “The case for helping those in extreme poverty,” he writes, “will be stronger if it does not rest solely on our intuitions” (15). To combat reliance on intuition, Singer creates a three-premise argument that presents the moral case clearly and logically. The argument relies on the premise that it is bad to suffer from the afflictions of poverty and that if someone has the opportunity to help the impoverished without sacrificing something of equal value, then they ought to do so. The full argument is as follows:

First premise: Suffering and death from lack of food, shelter, and medical care are bad.
Second premise: If it is in your power to prevent something bad from happening, without sacrificing anything nearly as important, it is wrong not to do so.
Third premise: By donating to aid agencies, you can prevent suffering and death from lack of food, shelter, and medical care, without sacrificing anything nearly as important.
Conclusion: Therefore, if you do not donate to aid agencies, you are doing something wrong (15-16).

Singer’s goal in the first part of the book is to convince his reader of this conclusion.

Singer writes that ethical understanding requires empathetically thinking from the perspective of others. He mentions the Golden Rule as a prime example of an ethical imperative. All the various world religions hold some version of the Golden Rule, Singer writes, indicating its universal, intuitive appeal. This rule, which demands that individuals treat others as they themselves would like to be treated, is a reasonable basis for ethical thinking. Singer believes that his argument for responsible giving agrees with the Golden Rule. He writes that his argument may seem intuitive and acceptable to most but that it is in practice very demanding. According to Singer, sending some money to save one child does not forever get a person off the hook. One must keep giving until one is in danger of sacrificing something “nearly as important.” Determining exactly what is nearly as important as extreme suffering is a subjective element in an otherwise objective ethical position.

Chapter 2 ends with a brief discussion of the importance of charity in the three major Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Singer notes the extreme importance Jesus places on charity, the equation in the Hebrew language between justice and charity, and Islam’s demand that a portion of all one’s assets be donated to those in need each year. Singer includes a Confucian reference as well, showing that other traditions also value care for the poor.

Part 1, Chapter 3 Summary: “Common Objections to Giving”

In the United States, financial charitable giving is well above the global average. Even though Americans are somewhat less charitable with their time, The US still qualifies as the third most charitable nation (behind Sweden and the Netherlands). For Singer, though, this may not be the right kind of charity because most of it goes to local religious communities or universities. Very little money finds its way to the extremely poor in developing nations, which is where it would help the most.

Singer looks at various sources that have objected to his arguments on giving. One common objection is that individuals have differing views on charitable giving and that “all people are entitled to follow their own belief” in this matter (25). Singer writes that this is an expression of moral relativism—the idea that every individual has an equal right to follow their own moral compass. This is not a good idea, according to Singer, because it leaves no basis for criticizing those who do heinous things in the name of their own morality. One might then object that Singer has no right to tell others what they should do, to which he responds that he is simply exercising free speech in the hopes that people will consider his arguments. He is not trying to force people to do his bidding.

Another common criticism is that people should be able to spend their hard-earned money on themselves as they see fit. Singer contends that people who have worked hard for their money are still lucky to have been born in countries with good legal, political, and physical infrastructure. For many people in poor countries, hard physical work, which is necessary for survival, does not lead to affluence. Singer writes, “[H]aving the right to do something doesn’t settle the question of what you should do” (27). One may have the right to spend money on frivolities, but for Singer that doesn’t mean that person has proper empathy or can be called moral. Not killing and not stealing is not enough for Singer to judge a person as good.

He reiterates that the book is not about wealth redistribution or taxing the rich. It is about absolute poverty, not relative poverty or income inequality. That said, Singer does discuss various ways in which citizens of affluent nations benefit from international markets run by major corporations in collaboration with corrupt dictatorships. This same situation leaves the people of developing nations in dire straits (with early life expectancy, high infant mortality rates, and extreme poverty). He writes:

If we accept that those who harm others must compensate them, we cannot deny that the industrialized nations owe compensation to many of the world’s poorest people. Giving them adequate aid to mitigate the consequences of climate change would be one way of paying that compensation (33).

Singer writes that the US is at the bottom of a list documenting amounts given in foreign aid: “The average nation’s effort in that year came to 46 cents of every $ 100 of gross national income, while the United States gave only 18 cents of every $100 it earned” (33). US citizens mistakenly believe that their government spends far more on foreign aid than is the reality. Americans think that the government should decrease foreign aid, but they also think that the percentage of aid given should be much higher than the current reality.

Another common objection Singer combats is the idea that “philanthropic responses undermine real political change” (35). Singer’s response is that his is a practical question. In the absence of a realistic overhaul of the global economic system, philanthropy through global aid agencies is a good idea.

Others argue that giving aid creates dependencies. Singer responds that this is a legitimate problem and that except in emergency situations the kind of aid one gives should aim to create self-reliance in the long run. Still others argue that giving away income stifles capitalism’s growth. Singer argues that most people don’t have the kind of capital for this to be a serious issue and that they can generally have the most impact giving money away sooner rather than later. A related criticism is that if everyone gave away all they had, then the economy would collapse. Singer responds that not everyone has to give away everything. If everyone who could afford to contribute did so, there would still be plenty to spare, and over 1.4 billion people in poverty would become members of a larger global economy, which would expand markets, not eliminate them.

The final objection that Singer confronts is that people have more attachments to friends and families. People value the needs of people close to them more than the needs of those they don’t know. Singer disagrees with the view that the problems of people in affluent nations often meet the standard of extreme suffering. He writes,

The fact that we tend to favor our families, communities, and countries may explain our failure to save the lives of the poor beyond those boundaries, but it does not justify that failure from an ethical perspective, no matter how many generations of our ancestors have seen nothing wrong with it (41).

Preface-Part 1 Analysis

At the outset, Singer makes clear that his book has two interwoven purposes: to change what the reader thinks and then to correspondingly change the reader’s action. He builds his book around this dual function, at once theoretical and practical. Part 1 of The Life You Can Save sets up the theoretical basis. Primarily, this consists of the formulation and development of an argument—one that Singer goes on to defend against several opponents.

Part 1 is subdivided into three chapters, each with a different role in unfolding the theoretical argument. Chapter 1 introduces the subject matter and challenges the audience’s intuitions through a thought experiment. The thought experiment, a staple method of philosophizing within the 20th-century Anglo-American (analytic) tradition, aims to promote a surprising conclusion based on unsurprising, natural intuitions. In this case, Singer leads the audience to the conclusion that giving far more to effective charities is the natural result of the correct moral impulse to save a drowning child. The technique works by pointing out contradictions in the natural impulses of the reader.

Chapter 2 develops the conclusion of this thought experiment via the presentation of a syllogistic argument. Because the results of the thought experiment reflect an initial intuition, and intuitions (in Singer’s view) are ethically untrustworthy, Singer finds it necessary to produce a deductive argument. Such an argument should prove the necessity of a conclusion on the basis of true premises. In this case, Singer hopes to produce a sound argument, i.e., one that has all true premises and a true conclusion that follows from these premises with certainty. Of the three premises Singer uses in this argument, the first he takes as obvious. This premise simply states that “suffering and death from lack of food, shelter, and medical care are bad” (19). The next two premises are more controversial, and throughout the book he provides moral and empirical support for these premises. Analyzing the success of this argument, then, may be better undertaken at the conclusion of the book, though its validity (that is, whether the conclusion logically follows from the premises) is assessable in Chapter 2.

The conclusion of this argument is that it is morally wrong not to donate to aid organizations. Having presented his argument and implicitly accepted its validity, Singer’s immediate concern is to defend this conclusion against a series of objections. Thinkers on both the political right and left have challenged Singer’s views. On the right, libertarians believe that he wants the government to seize their assets through taxation and then redistribute the money to the world’s poor. On the left, socialists worry that emphasizing the individual’s need to philanthropize will distract from more substantial political reform. Singer avoids politicizing the issue, however. To curb ideological challenge from the fiscally conservative, he reiterates that he is only discussing private donation. He also clarifies that he is not at all discussing a socialist agenda for massive wealth redistribution within a nation-state: The only wealth redistribution his book addresses is in favor of the extremely poor. He is silent on the issue of relative poverty and the problems (or advantages) of income inequality. He also dodges the socialist objection by reinforcing the time-sensitive imperative to aid those in extreme need. Channeling one’s energies politically may not achieve what he thinks needs immediate achievement, given the gravity of the situation for those dying of hunger and disease.

Singer’s moral argument is realist. This means that he believes it has objective moral validity and is not subject to relativist claims about what is or is not good. Despite this, he realizes that it includes a subjective element in the middle clause of the second premise: It is up to an individual moral actor to decide what is roughly of equivalent worth to a given preventable harm. Singer writes, “I don’t know what you might think is as important, or nearly as important, as saving a life. By leaving it up to you to decide what those things are, I can avoid the need to find out. I’ll trust you to be honest with yourself about it” (17). In other words, there is room for a subjective component in an apparently moral realist (objective) ethic. Singer does not explain how this is philosophically legitimate, but it makes space for individual judgment, a subject he explores at length in Part 2.

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